
Transform Your Body.
Transform Your Life.

Get Help With Your Transformation

HIIT Training

High Intensity Interval Training with video instruction and sample routines

Weight Lifting

Weight lifting workouts for all major body parts with video instruction and routines you can follow

Training Tips

Training Tips for all weight lifting workouts, showing the muscles impacted and tips/coaching on how to do them to help get fit and stay safe.

AI Food Capture

Simply take a picture of your food and let AI figure out what the food is and all the macronutrients for easy logging.

Comprehensive View

With the Main Dashboard, get a quick view of your caloric intake and calories burned as well as the macronutrients that you consume all day. 

Use this information to help guide you in what you eat next or how you can change your activities to meet your goals on a daily basis.

Setup Weekly Workout Schedule

Customize a workout plan that works for you. For each day, determine if you workout and what type of routines you plan to do. 

When you workout, click on each routine for a viedo preview of the workout along with the workout tips that can help coach you with your form, timing and sequencing.

Meet the Trainers in the Workout Video Segments

About FitLife4Me

Our Approach

At FitLife4Me, we believe in empowering people to take charge of their health to improve the quality of their life. This is done through comprehensive view of what you eat, your activities, metabolism and life habits that contribute to your body weight and composition and ultimately your health.

By using AI, the App can help fill in the data you may miss - if you are not perfect with your food entry, with AI, we can still help get you going. With machine learning, the App makes everything from food entry to recommendations personal and just a click away.

Our Team

Our team at FitLife4Me are believers and users of FitLife4Me App. The Founder, Armin Ebrahimi, is a lifelong athlete and coach who transformed his body in his 30's through proper diet and exercise. He is also, a tech veteran in Silicon Valley who has served as a technology executive in Fortune 500 companies and has founded three other startups in the past.

Why FitLife4Me

Managing your body weight is one of the most critical steps towards a healthy lifestyle while allowing you to look better. There is no magic to losing and managing your weight - ultimately you need to burn more than you eat. However, there are many tools that can impact this balance. Some of these include when you eat; what you eat; how much you workout and how you can remain active. Having an overall view of all these tools can help you get to your goal and maintain it.

A Sample of the Application