The body achieves
what the mind believes

FitLife4Me - Privacy Notice

The use of the FitLife4Me App authorizes the Company/Developer to use your usage information to improve the product. 

The information about your health and data retrieved from Apple HealthApp remains on the phone. The data you enter such as your weight, your goals, the food you consume and other personal and health data remain on the phone and within your App - some of this information may be saved into Apple HealthApp - if available.  If you delete your App, the data saved in the Apple HealthApp will remain, but the data that is saved locally on your phone will be lost.

Your usage of the App, including but not limted to how often it is launched, if it is setup correctly, which screens are used, which operations succeed or fail may be shared with the Company/Developer. 

Your email address and name may also be saved (encrypted) with the Company/Developer for the purpose of communication with you and to address/resolve problems. This data may be stored on Google Firebase database Google security. Using the App, you have the option to delete your login credentials.

Your password authentication is done using Google Firebases services. Your password is stored in Apple Keychain and only accessible using your authenticated Apple device using FaceID or TouchID. This information is not saved anywhere else nor is it visible to Company/Developer.

Your data is not shared with any other third parties and is used solely by FitLife4Me Company/Developer in the manner described here. Under no circumstance will any of your data be made public to other parties. 

Should any information be hacked, you do agree to indemnify Company/Developer other than when the Company/Developer purposely makes the information available. 

This privacy note may be updated from time to time and available on this repository. This notice was updated on July 1, 2023.